Thursday, August 11, 2016

EVENTS -- Calendar for August/Sept 2016

Steppin' WORKS will be doing a demo for the Columbus African American Mall Wellness Walk and Run, at 10 am.  We will be at the main stage.  

A concert with local artists will follow around 11A.  Bring your men folk and children for information, supplies, and food!!
Feel free to join us at Livingston Park. 

​We're heading to Dayton.  If you did not know, Saturday is recognized as our day:  National Chicago Stepping Day.  We plan to hang out with the Ohio's Most Wanted.  (See flier below.)

Ladies: if you bought a tank from Charnice, 

 let's represent!!  

There's a couple more events for you later in the month, if you are available!

​This one's in September....

See you on the Dance Floor!!

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