Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Blacks for the most part see Labor Day as another vacation/holiday before the end of summer. It can remind us of the difficulties that many modern Blacks endure while trying get work at a decent pay. It is said that "many of us have been locked out of unions, accused of taking jobs that belonged to whites, are under-paid, not promoted as quickly as whites, and even now we are still the last hired and the first fired." -- The African American Lectionary.
"Make sure you are not only a laborer forever — set out to own valuable assets as well." -- Lawrence M. Watkins |

While there are no Steppin' UP classes on Monday, September 7, 2015, there is homework!

The student assignments are --

Beginners - Select three (3) songs to which you practice by the next class

Beyond Basics - Pick a song with words or lyrics. Practice this song that you will want to sing to and dance to during weeks 10-12 classes. 
  • Notify me of your choices by emailing me, tagging me in the comments below, or bring to class at the next class.  
  • Week Six classes resume on September 14, 2015. 
See comments below on suggested site to find music....

After completing this task, consider stopping through at Columbus Upscale Steppers event posted below-- 

1 comment:

  1. For those who do not know, there is a Facebook page that is all about stepper music. Visit the group Steppers Music at www.facebook.com/groups/steppers.music/.
