Tuesday, July 28, 2015

National Chicago Style Steppers Day -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015

The National Chicago Style Steppers Day celebration team is coordinating an annual group meet in multiple cities simultaneously, on the second Saturdays of August. It is the year to recognize its sixth year, since inception by Markie Bee of SteppersUSA.Com.

The National Chicago Style Steppers Day event idea grew from the thought based on the idea there wasn't a day where all people who step could celebrate the dance they love, and the people who make up the ever-growing community where ever they are across the United States thus taking it beyond the limits of Facebook, community groups or other webpages.

Chicago steppers broadcasting their events will be observed globally. Participants are asked to to use modern technology via Laptops or smart phones to upload photos or video from their event.
Columbus fans:  It sounds like a great idea!  
Let's consider doing something like the Canton, OH,  Rhythm Ryder's event, on August 8th!  

Monday, July 27, 2015

RESPECT THE DANCE--A Stepper's Sermon

There is an article to read that concerns the state of Chicago Steppin'.  A recognized male stepper in the industry known as Tall Rick shares his thought on his basic concepts to understanding steppin.' He suggested that a love for steppin' means always acquiring the SKILLS to be stepper.

Image result for chicago steppin images
Rick said:
"The men don’t want to consider taking all of their steps to get better in the dance and the women get bored too fast and too easily."  
You should expect to hear this as a beginner who is learning steppin' as well as one who is beyond the basics.

Tall Rick believes --
"Everyone learns differently. Some learn under pressure, while others need more repetitive movement. Some analyze and some feel." 
His opinion is a valid one that can be summarized that an inspiration for steppin' comes from a musical flow.

The link to Tall Rick's message is here at the jump:  TALL RICK’S STRONG MESSAGE TO STEPPERS!

I will echo this: Be hungry to learn, and remember steppin' should be FUN!

Come learn on the floor with our new series of classes starting August 3rd!!

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Hello All,

I hope everyone has had a great summer!! Because it's almost time to put on your dancing shoes and join us in for the Fall Class.

I am excited about the upcoming session as we have extended it from 8 weeks to 12 weeks. This is all in preparation for the return of my mentor Charnice Simmons, in November.

(You will notice that the cost of class has increased slightly after 5+ years...we thought it was time.)

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Kelly Roberts Steppin' UP is our updated page from the former ! site.  The aim is is to expand our market and work our brand to serve our local dance fans.


Formal Steppin' UP Mondays instructional activities will resume in August, on Monday, August 3, 2015, at our base in the St. Dominic Catholic Church Parish Center, Columbus, OH.  

In the meantime, enjoy your summer respite, and be sure to Freshin' UP by visiting some of our dance partners in the area and beyond.  

See you on the dance floor...!

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